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The Art of Booking Bus Travel In South America

21 May

If you’re heading off on a South American adventure then you’ll definitely be using the extensive bus network to get around due to the limited rail and hire car options on the continent, and relatively expensive flights. Long distance or short distance, each bus trip will undoubtedly be an experience in its own right. We had some great fun on buses, saw some amazing sights and met great characters, but we also had plenty of less positive experiences too! Each country does it slightly differently, but by asking a few essential questions at the outset you can save yourself some money and a whole world of pain!

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The trouble with stuff

1 Jun

We all like to nest. To call somewhere home. To shut the doors, draw the blinds and retreat into our own world. We fill our homes with things we love – sofas, toasters, fluffy cushions, shelves of well read books, fancy cooking knives, vases filled with flowers, bedspreads – and it makes us happy. Over time, the amount of stuff we own increases. We hoard. We become sentimental. The things that once gave us pleasure, start to clutter our lives and make us feel trapped but we can’t bring ourselves to part with them.

So when the urge arises to quit your job to follow your dreams of long-term travel or working overseas, the big question is what to do with all your stuff?

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The right stuff – essential travel equipment

24 Feb

During our time travelling we’ve used a vast array of equipment and gadgets – some obvious, some less so. We’ve thought a few times that perhaps the most important piece of equipment is the humble roll of toilet paper in a Continent where you’ll often find it absent in public toilets, restaurants and sometimes even your hostel! OK, arguably not equipment in the true sense of the word but it does have the same qualities that we’re looking for in all of our travelling gear – it’s lightweight and portable, it’s reliable and hard-wearing, it’s there for you when you need it, it makes your life easier, and it doesn’t let you down!

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The best things in life are free

20 Jun

So the song goes, and we agree – we always get a small sense of satisfaction when we get something for nothing and these freebies can vastly enhance the quality of your trip whilst helping to save some cash when you’re on a tight budget. From our travels so far we’ve been able to put together the list below of what items we’ve got for absolutely nothing, where you might find similar items and why they were so useful.

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Why didn’t they tell us that!

4 May

We’ve been travelling for just over 2 months now through Argentina and Chile, and we haven’t done too badly but there’s always room for improvement and there have been a few times where we’ve said “why didn’t anyone tell us that!”

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